Work-orientated micro-credentials key to supporting Australians in their 100-year life

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According to Deloitte, study-interested Australian workers want their future learning experiences to be job-relevant, bite-sized and blended, combining online and face-to-face learning experiences. Are micro-credentials the answer?

A survey was conducted on nearly 4,000 Australian workers across all markets within Australia; the survey asked and analyzed the attitudes workers have towards lifelong learning, and their preferences on methods of education.

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Through their research, almost 80% of participants want their lesson materials to be available online for easy access. However, many within the 80% expressed that they want both options, a combination of online and face to face learning experiences. Meaning the future of studying and education will be blended. Additionally, half of the study-interested workers prefer their study arrangements to be in bite sizes courses. While they still appreciate the traditional way for education, short burst of learning and bite size courses allow them to balance their study with work and life priorities.

Two-thirds of the research participants were not fully aware of the term micro-credentials (bite size courses); after the concept is explained to them, 65% considered micro-credentials being more are valuable to their career. It is developed quicker than most larger programs and is more responsive to the change environment, aka industry requirements. Tackling smaller boxes of knowledge allow workers to stay balanced, focused and motivated.

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Lachlan Smirl, Deloitte Access Economics Partner said: “This new data confirms that study-interested workers see the greatest value in learning when it is directly relevant to their work. So although formal qualifications remain valued, 68% of those who are interested in study place more importance on job specific skill set development.”

In summary, the key findings of this research include:

  1. Approximately 90% of Australian are alerted that their current career will be changed in the next decade, but they are not alarmed about how quick it is changing. 70% thinks that study will increase and allow them to achieve their career goal.
  2. Study-interested workers want flexible and micro-credentials courses from tertiary providers. 80% of study-interested workers want to access at least 50% of their materials online for a study-work life balance.
  3. Workers prefer to have their study materials and training to be closely linked to their jobs and industry in real life, while only 30% expect education provider (Universities, TAFEs, schools. etc.) to work together with the industry to deliver contents.
  4. While many workers are interested in further study, the enthusiasm decreases time goes by. Thus, the multi-stage life model is still young and need further developments.

Original article published by Deloitte in August 2018: Work-orientated micro-credentials key to supporting Australians in their 100-years life.

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