CPM spotlight: Sandy Fitzgerald

Being a Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM) adds value to my profession as an Academic who work at RMIT University. Marketing is an applied and practice-based discipline. It is important to me that my work is informed by practice, solution focused and relevant, such that it has an impact on solving business and societal issues.

As a CPM, this provides a platform for me to connect with other accredited practicing marketers.  And through the connections, I can remain informed about current marketing trends and practice and in turn provide a holistic perspective on solving issues that are of importance and relevance to industry and society. For instance, one of my research streams investigates the risks/benefits analysis of mobile applications on consumer health. Because of the connections, I gained from being a CPM; I am in a stronger position to offer real-world marketing examples and practices to my students and to ensure their skill sets will help them become work-ready.

As a believer in life-long learning, I support that the CPM accreditation is contingent on CPMs commitment to undertake on-going professional development activities. This requirement not only benefits individuals from a self-development perspective but also the marketing industry as we strive to advance the marketing discipline and practice together. As a CPM, you will be leading by example, be a leader and ignite your marketing passion in others that seek to follow suit!

So far, I have mentioned work related advantages that resulted from being a CPM. More importantly, I am delighted by the friendship that I have formed with Lee Tonitto  (AMI CEO) over the past few years, as we first connected through AMI/CPM program. On a personal note, my husband David and I become first time parents to our daughter – Ava. I had a challenging pregnancy and a difficult birth. It is nice that Lee is supportive, keep in touch and even took time out to visit Ava recently. It is this friendship with Lee that I have gained serendipitously as a result of being an AMI/CPM that I am thankful.

If you are a) keen to be a leader in the marketing profession, b) surround yourself with like-minded professionals who share a love in advancing the marketing discipline and practice, c) strong believer and committed to self-development and finally d) have the opportunity to form firm friendships with other professionals, do not hesitate – join the Australia Marketing Institute and become a Certified Practicing Marketer today.

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