Launch of RMIT’s micro-credentials

On 23 October 2017, AMI board and state committee representatives attended the launch of RMIT’s ‘micro-credentials’, in partnership with SBS.
Micro-credentialing is the process of earning a micro-credential, which are similar to mini-degrees or certifications in a specific topic area. They can either be broad, such as “machine learning,” or specific, like “using data to differentiate instruction for ELL students.” For example, RMIT offers an “iOS App Development” short course in partnership with Apple.
This very successful launch, which saw more than 130 people in attendance, was followed by a dinner with a smaller audience of high level representatives from RMIT, industry partners, and associations. Several of RMIT’s vice-chancellors, representatives from CPA, AIM, AMI, and RMIT Online and marketing leaders were present and participated in a fruitful discussion about the future of education.
AMI and RMIT continue their long-standing and constructive collaboration and will further explore the educational opportunities presented by online and micro-credentials. Norman Azabagic

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