2017 State Of Business Intelligence And Predictive Analytics

These and many other insights are from 2017 Advanced and Predictive Analytics Market Study (PDF, 90 pp., client access) published today by Dresner Advisory Services. The report is available to non-clients here. The study is based on insights gained from interviews with Dresner Advisory Service’s research community of over 3,000 organizations, in addition to vendor customer community interviews. 57% of respondents are from North America, 31% from Europe, the Middle East & Africa, with the remaining 12% from Asia-Pacific (8%) and Latin America (4%). For additional details regarding the methodology, please see page 11 of the study.

Industry interest in advanced and predictive analytics grew sharply in 2017, with business intelligence experts, business analysts, and statisticians/data scientists being the most prevalent early adopters. Key takeaways from the study include the following:

  • Business Intelligence (BI) experts, Business Analysts and Statistician/Data Scientists are the most frequent users of advanced and predictive analytics. These three groups of professionals dominate the adoption and use of BI and predictive analytics applications. Less than 20% of citizen data scientists, financial analysts, and market analysts use advanced and predictive analytics constantly. Executives and third-party consultants use them least.

These and many other insights are from 2017 Advanced and Predictive Analytics Market Study (PDF, 90 pp., client access) published today by Dresner Advisory Services. The report is available to non-clients here. The study is based on insights gained from interviews with Dresner Advisory Service’s research community of over 3,000 organizations, in addition to vendor customer community interviews. 57% of respondents are from North America, 31% from Europe, the Middle East & Africa, with the remaining 12% from Asia-Pacific (8%) and Latin America (4%). For additional details regarding the methodology, please see page 11 of the study.

Industry interest in advanced and predictive analytics grew sharply in 2017, with business intelligence experts, business analysts, and statisticians/data scientists being the most prevalent early adopters. Key takeaways from the study include the following:

  • Business Intelligence (BI) experts, Business Analysts and Statistician/Data Scientists are the most frequent users of advanced and predictive analytics. These three groups of professionals dominate the adoption and use of BI and predictive analytics applications. Less than 20% of citizen data scientists, financial analysts, and market analysts use advanced and predictive analytics constantly. Executives and third-party consultants use them least.
  • Reporting, dashboards, advanced visualization and end-user self-service are given the highest priority initiatives in enterprises focused on making BI a strategic foundation for growth. The rankings reflect how pragmatic companies are today regarding their investments in BI technologies. Cognitive BI, text analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) and video analytics are still in a nascent or an emerging growth stage based on the findings of this study. Advanced and predictive analytics is seventh in the rankings this year.

Read more from Louis Columbus on Forbes.

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