The Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and Colmar Brunton are pleased to present the 2017 Australian Senior Marketers Monitor report.
Since 2009, the AMI has worked in partnership with Colmar Brunton to conduct an annual study of Australia’s senior marketing professionals.

This report, the eighth in the series, details the results of the most recent survey, providing insight into the sentiment, priorities and behaviours of senior marketers. Additionally the research identifies what senior marketers believe to be the key challenges they face moving forward, as well as the extent to which they are equipped to meet such challenges.

At an overall level the outlook for 2017 is bright, with increased levels of optimism apparent for both the role and influence that marketing teams have , as well as for anticipated budgets.
For commercial organisations maintaining relevance and market share are key priority areas, with a strong emphasis being placed upon the customer . For government and not for profit organisations key areas of focus include social marketing strategies and effective communication to key target audience groups.

More generally, the past 12 months have seen the usage of digital and online channels continue to increase (with associated decline in usage of more traditional channels also apparent).


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