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August, 2022

Member Spotlight: Leanne Elich

Hello, I’m Dr Leanne Elich, Business and Sales Psychologist, Leadership Coach and Author of Solving the Sales Equation. The Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Leanne Elich Consulting, a consulting and advisory firm specialising in psychology driven sales and marketing strategies. We are on a mission to educate, develop and support exceptional businesses to understand the important dynamics of neuromarketing and behavioural science in business.

My passion for medicine sparked at age 5 when I was given the game ‘Operation’ as a gift and would constantly recruit friends and family as my patients.

My ambition to enter the medical industry propelled me from the nerdy world of high school into the intriguing vortex of university; graduating from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science/MD in Medical Radiation Sciences, specialising in Radiation Oncology.

I worked clinically in numerous medical institutions but was motivated to take my career to the next level. I transitioned into commercial medicine and business development, where I worked for several high profile companies focusing on technical sales, neuromarketing and consumer psychology.

For over 25 years I have studied and observed the behaviours of consumers and how psychology in sales and marketing can be used ethically to influence customers.

At Leanne Elich Consulting, we work with individuals, teams and organisations to create human-centric sales and marketing processes. We help organisations ‘bridge the gap’ between science and business together with a ‘Mind Wide Open’ approach to accelerate their growth faster than they thought possible.

As a graduate of Harvard Business School and Harvard Medical School, I have a thirst for knowledge, keeping up with the latest, cutting edge techniques. My motivation for joining AMI was just that. Meeting ambitious, like minded people who are inspired to change and impact the world through marketing.

I regularly contribute to both local and national media outlets, including ABC radio and the Sydney Morning Herald. An Honorary Clinical Fellow at the Queensland University of Technology, international Keynote speaker and Women in Leadership advisor. I can now proudly say that I am a member of the Australian Marketing Institute.

Leanne Elich
CEO at Leanne Elich Consulting