How to Develop a Content Marketing Plan with Templates

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If you are like most marketers, you begin your content marketing efforts with the best of intentions. You have great ideas for content that you are sure readers will connect with. You have some thoughts about places to promote that content. And you know that you’ll find the time and resources you need to develop a content marketing plan.

But then you don’t.

To realize the potential content marketing offers, it’s critical to have a plan. It sounds simple, yet it’s a step many content marketers don’t take. Seventy percent of marketers lack a consistent or integrated content strategy (Altimeter), and only 29 percent of leading marketers systematically reuse and repurpose content (Curata).

That’s because creating such a plan is daunting. It requires marketers to analyze where their marketing efforts have been and what they want it to achieve in the future.

If you are one of the 70 percent of marketers operating without a plan, take heart: we’ve got the information and templates you need to guide you through the planning process and produce a content plan that can generate results.

Read more on Curata.

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