Chair Report, February 2018: Take control of your career through continuing professional development

What makes a marketing professional stand apart from others in their field?  Sure, you have a degree and hands-on experience. But that is just the start. True professionals don’t stop there. In fact, they never stop.

What makes a professional marketer stand out in their field?

In short: Continuing Professional Development (CPD).  Professional marketers take ownership of their careers and maximise their potential by maintaining high levels of competence through continually improving their knowledge and skills.

CPD can provide the drive to progress your career.   It enables you to build upon your current competencies and helps maintain your currency in a competitive, ever changing, employment environment. It is an ongoing process and continues throughout your professional career.

Maintaining records of your professional development will help focus your career plan. Employers are increasingly expecting professional marketers (and other professionals for that matter) to provide documentary evidence of their continued commitment to career currency and competence (gained through a recognised and credible source). Given this, you should be developing a personal portfolio of professional learning relevant to your current and (desired) future roles.

We are here to help.

The corner stone of the AMI is to help fuel the progress in the careers of professional marketers.

Through the ‘AMI Training Hub’, your Institute provides a range of affordable up-to-date training and development options.  From on-line learning, workshops and webinars through to customised workshops focused on the challenges of your organisation.

AMI FACTS is an end-to-end framework specifically designed to help you determine required skills, test current capabilities, gain recognition and ensure you are on top of the latest marketing trends.

To find out more, go to or email for your copy of the 2018 AMI Training Hub Handbook.

It is up to you.

Take control of your career. No one else will do it for you.

As we are entering a new year, many professional marketers will be considering where their career is going; now is a good time to draw up a career plan that will get you focused on where you want to go with your career, how to get there and the additional skills and competencies you will need to maximise your potential for lifetime employability.

Andrew Thornton
Chair, Board of Directors


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